When people think about knights, generally, the first thing that pops into their head is a warrior in armour. But what about those dreary days when there was no fighting going on? Herein lies the answer.
Since the Orders were religious in nature, their every day clothing was identical to what priests and monks wore, because the knights and sergeants were required to take the three monastic vows of charity, poverty and obedience.
Over the under garments, a cappa clause, (latin for closed cape) was worn. The color was determined by the order.
A rope belt was cinched around the waist. A cloak would be worn depending on weather. A wool or linen coif was worn on the head, and topped by a pill box style monastic cap. Swords were amlost always worn when not in chapel.
Chaplain Brothers

Dressed in the gear of a Templar Chaplain Brother--note the gloves, to keep the Chaplain's hands "pure for the service of God". Interpretation based on a reference in the Rule of the Temple, where a dispute over a member not being a "knight or a son of a knight". The brother in question was given a "black mantle" according to the Rule, and became a Chaplain Brother.
Portrayal of a "Receptor/Local Provincial Commander" (also called a "Preceptor". He is depicted reading from the Rule of the Templars during an induction ceremony. Note the placement of the hood of the cappa-clausa. Also, note the obligatory beard.
Knight Brothers

Sergeant Brothers

Standard Templar Serjeant's habit. Per the Rule, this is to be made of either black or brown wool, or of whatever fabric is least expensive, like burell, a type of rough grey-brown wool fabric. In addition, the Rule states that the form of the robes should not be "too long, nor too short, but should fit the wearer"; meaning economy in the use of fabric--no "puddle-hemmed" cappa-clausas (those that drag the dirt in secular/royal like fashion).
On accessories
Standard Templar Knight Brother's habit. Note the "paternoster" beads in his hands, and the addition of a linen coif beneath his woolen monastic cap. Templars were required to remove the monastic cap and coif while in chapter (unless they were bald, at which point the Rule allowed them to keep their coifs on).
A Templar was required to say the Divine Offices, beginning at four a. m. (six a. m. in winter). They would say the offices of Matins, Prime, Terce and Sext all at one time; then begin the workday. In addition, he is required to say one hundred forty-eight paternosters (Latin for "Our Father") a day; fourteen for each hour, eighteen at Vespers, thirty for the living and thirty for the dead. While the Rule does not say that Templars were allowed a set of paternoster beads, it makes sense that they would carry them to keep track of their obligatory prayers.